| 1. | Suddenly the clouds united over their heads, and driving rain set full in their face . 这时云块突然在她们头上集结成团,骤雨倾泻而下,直淋到她们脸上。 |
| 2. | Through howling winds and driving rains , to be by your side 穿过风咆哮雨凄冷,要到你身旁。 |
| 3. | Code of practice for assessing exposure of walls to wind - driven rain 墙壁抗风雨侵袭评估实用规程 |
| 4. | Through howling winds and driving rains , to be by your side 经过咆哮的风和倾盆的雨,要来到你的身边。 |
| 5. | Above the noise of driving rain came the sound of the engine bell 机车的铃声透过急促的雨声传了过来。 |
| 6. | Driving rain has forced some to return to the rubble of their homes 大雨的来临迫使一些人返回满是瓦砾的家中。 |
| 7. | Standard practice for resistance to wind - driven rain for exterior coatings applied on masonry 砌筑体外涂层耐风雨的标准实用规程 |
| 8. | Violent winds , driving rain , killer waves , these are the hallmarks of a hurricane 强风,暴雨,夺命狂浪,这些都是飓风的明显特征。 |
| 9. | And that night there came on a terrific storm , with driving rain , awful claps of thunder and blinding sheets of lightning 就在当夜,刮来了一场可怕的暴风,大雨滂沱,电闪雷呜,令人耳聩目弦。 |
| 10. | With his head aslant , and his ears pricked up , like his horse , he was frowning at the driving rain , and anxiously looking before him 他和他的马一样,歪着头,抿着耳朵,被瓢泼大雨打得皱起眉头,急切地注视着前方。 |